Friday, March 9, 2012

Poem: Without

Where have you gone? Are you still with me? hiding, waiting, lurking in the depth of my heart, in a place my mind can not go. Should I follow, should I go after you. How long can I live without you. Will life look, feel, taste the same without you.

Who are you anyway, Nothing more than a thought, a thought spoken only in my mind so, only I could hear. If I never said your name are you real...But still will you come if I call. 

The question is: Should I miss the dark.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Things I'm Enjoying right now

Simple as the title says, here are a few things that I'm into and enjoying in my life now...

...Right now feeling pretty calm about the world and I think my music taste and choices reflect that.

... I been doing a lot of writing lately and reading on writing .

Hero With A Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell  ( 60% Done)

  The 7 Basic Plots By Christoper Booker (50% Done)
-I'm looking forward to reading
Cinematography: Theory and Practice by Blain Brown

...Some random misc. things. 

  •  Writing a Web Comic series
  • Learning Spanish  (we'll see how this going ) 
  • Speed reading.
  • Learning, Reading and watching everything on HDSLR Cameras ( Purchase in the near future)      
 ...I'm happiest when Learning and Growing... I hope never to stop.                                                                                                                                    

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Film Review: The Gray

"Once more into the fray..."

When I sat down in the theater I was very excited to see what I thought would be a guilty pleasure,
full of blood thirsty wolves and gritty one liners However, I was presently surprised that it actually had a
story satisfying on a deeper level. 

We are told very little about John Ottway when we first met him. (Liem neeson best know for films such as "Schinder's list", Star Wars: the Phantom Menace and more recently appearing in high action roles like "Taken ")  We see a man who has run to the "edge of the world" to Alaska's frontier working for an oil refinery. With a rifle, protecting the workers from packs of local wolves. Giving him a "very particular set of skills" perfect for the events ahead.

We are teased early on with small bits and pieces of
Ottway's past. What had brought him to such a remote and unforgiving place? we soon learn that his life is full of darkness. He's in the grip of suicidal despair over the loss of the love of his life.

With his love gone he seems to have lost all purpose to his life. Ottway early on in a voice over says " He isn't doing any real good for the world any more"  his only real purpose is protecting the oil refinery workers from the ruthless wolves. So, after boarding a flight from the refinery, along with some of the crew, to some place presumably warmer and happier and the plane crashes, Ottway does the only thing that
gives his life meaning: protect these men from wolves and survive .

Ottway along with six other survives from the crash, must fight the elements than soon a vicious wolf pack. Each one of the seven are harden men in their own right, soon after the plane crash their true colors are reveled. Ottway tries to hold the group together but the presser of the cold and constant attacks from the unmercifully wolves starts to quickly make the loose band turn on one another, as the film goes on each man is shown for who he truly is.

My only complaint is that I felt the wolves themselves as characters were underdeveloped ( I wanted to hate them more) However, Director Joe Carnahan gave the Gray a sense of ruthlessness from the land, to the wolves and the men themselves. I was taken with the cinematography and cold colorless feel to the film,
the gray left me both satisfied and wanting more. It may not be for every one but I liked it .- Rating 7/10

Rated R, Running time: 117 minutes

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What's inside

This will be always more to me than a phase, it will always give me more than it pays. Words handed down
from a sage, I can't change the world but I can change the page. I want to do it all but i need to
be the right gauge.

I see the past so clearly, what was in inside, the beast in me, when I thought I was
coasting it was steering me. this beast I can not slay but I say: I need Him more than ever he can see beyond  than this day-to-day. With Him the thought of failing couldn't even stop by and say hi.
with my thoughts to whom i confined with Him I will fly but not so much by my own guide, saying I will live forever is my greatest truth and lie.

Monday, December 12, 2011

No less

You think of me as strong when I am weak. you think of me weak when I'm strong.

You may not know even I call myself a fool and maybe so, in time I will know, for letting myself be pulled where my heart whats to go.

the way I feel for you hasn't crest but for so long I've felt this tear at my chest I want to rest, but because I've seen what you can't, I can give no less .

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Moon

When look up at a full moon like, tonight's I am always inspired. I think about the great men and women of the past who have looked up. I wonder what was going through their minds, were they simply in awe of it beauty or did they see it as more in the same way I do?

When I look up I see "continuity ". When I say continuity I mean the moon above all else reminds me of the  people that were here before me and about the people after me. Have they and will they see it like I do? a link to the Past, Present and Future.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Movies that changed my life....

I've seen more movies in my time on this earth than you would think possible.
It's very hard for me to make a list of "My Top Ten Favorite Movies" or something like that.
So, I'm not going to try. What I am going to do is to bring up some films that I know changed my life in one way or another.

"The Lion King" (1994)

I think I was 7 or 8 years old when it came out, I had just got out of the hospital for a small operation I needed and to be nice to me, my Mom took me to see a bunch of movies in the theaters (something we never did)
and one of the movies was obviously "the lion king" the story was very intriguing to my young mind, it will
sound weird but the character motivation was like nothing I had seen before (I had no idea it was based off of Hamlet) and it is still the only movie I ever cried to ha-ha (Mufasa's death scene)

James bond in Goldeneye (1995)
There's not a man in the world with access to a  theater who hasn't dreamed of being James bond. Before Goldeneye, I had seen some of the 007 films but they didn't register with me but when I saw Pierce Brosnan, a bond of my era, it made me appreciate the bond films as a whole and gave me an archetype to base my whole persona after (I'm half joking)

 " Reign of Fire" (2002)

Oh 'reign of fire' let me say I hate this movie with all my heart (remember this isn't my favorite films list it's just some of the ones that change my life) this movie made me lose fate in Hollywood movies,
it was so hyped up, I remember I couldn't wait to see it. from the trailer it looked like a "non-stop
dragon killing fest" but it turned out to be one long boring terribly written drama. it made me realize
what is most important for any movie a good story with great characters 

The Back to the Future series (Nov.5th 1885 -Oct 21th 2015)

There no way to express of much of an impact these movies has had on me. I've dated girls because of them, I've taking jobs because of them, it's one of those iconic things that connects me to my whole generation.

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

I didn't see this it till I was in my late teens, it taught me alot about what you don't show in a movie
can be the most powerful, you ask anyone who seen it and they will tell you it's a super violent film
but in actuality there is very little on screen. the dialog and the angles Quentin Tarantino choose gave a feeling of extreme violence.

"The Usual Suspects" (1995)
the story is very well writing, I won't ruin it for you if you haven't seen it, but it still to date the
only movie that has every truly tricked me.( ha-ha)

"36th chambers of Shaolin (A.K.A Master Killer)"
(1978 )

Anyone who knows me, knows that martial arts is a big part of my life and so are martial arts movies,
the 36th chambers is one of my earliest kung fu movie memories.

It's a the story of a young man, driving by a single goal, that goal pushes him so far that he is able to do the seemly impossible. I believe this movie had a huge impact on me, that anything
is possible if you want it badly enough. Something I still believe to this day.