Monday, November 14, 2011

"The Man who loved a Princess"

I was a man who walked a path to greatness, but along the way the path grew cold and the earth
seemed restless. the signs twisted into a strange language. I walked for so long I forget
why I was walking, where I was going and who sent me, even my own name.
''Without a name who am I ? ''I asked Myself.

On my journey I met Knights, Peasants, Kings, Cobblers, Merchants, lairs and thieves. saints
and sinner. Because I lost my name, it was easy to learn from them, each of them the good and the bad.
One day a would call myself knight, the next sinner, the next, the man who walked the path, the
next king... and even when all was well, god. Till' one day walking I met a Girl but this girl was like none I've seen before, Her beauty was so great I questioned if it was even real, It pour out of Her like rays from the Sun. -Like walking out of a dark cave my eyes needed to adjust- When they did I saw her, who she truly was. In that moment I fell in love with her.

She didn't give her name so, I didn't know what to call Her. Even though I didn't know her name,
she still responded to me. All I knew to call her was." beauty " for that, I knew she was.
As the season went on I knew this title wasn't enough for Her. she was much more than just a beauty. Like a child asking the name for the sky from his father, I asked the Heavens for Her name and
they answered. "Princess "

The world made sense again! I knew her name So, that gave me back mine "Prince" and I called Her Princess, this made her happy. she knew I cared enough to learn her true name.
Than one day she asked my name and I said " Saint, no Knight" I wanted to say "Prince" of
course but I couldn't find the word because I was real no Prince of any Kingdom. for my Kingdom
laid still waited years away in a far off land that I had not even seen myself. How could tell her 'Prince'.

My heart broke. "I can't make my Princess a Queen" for I am no King nor a Prince. My love
blinded me in thinking, I was More. That my love could make me more or at least be enough but
just enough, is never enough. I know my name but I am still just a Man, on the path. Who loved his Princess and I know I would  love her more than any Man, Prince or King ever could, but I can't ask her to wait for me to find my Kingdom. It is her right to be a Queen.

So, I must let her go...Not because have to OR want to. Because her.
I know my love could keep her here with me, but that is all it could do, keep her. I want her to live like the Heavens planned, I know she might find a another King. Even a man who didn't know his name could see Her. My greatest regret is not being able to show her how much I love her. Not because I didn't try, because... to do that, would take a lifetime.

I know my name " The Man on a Path" "Prince to his Kingdom" " the boy who loves a girl. "

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